Whether you grew up longing for a Louis Vuitton Speedy or have been obsessed with Chanel and Hermes, there’s something to be said for the power of a designer handbag. A well-chosen purse can elevate an outfit and even increase its value over time. But, with prices that can reach thousands of dollars, splurging on a designer bag can feel out of the budget for many. Luckily, there are ways to get the luxury purse you dream about without breaking the bank. From shopping consignment to snagging one-of-a-kind limited edition styles, here’s how you can own a designer handbag on any budget.
Investing in a high-end purse means you’ll likely want to keep it looking like new, so keeping up with its care is important. Using a cloth to wipe down your bag once a month or so should help prevent it from becoming dull and damaged over time. Likewise, storing your bag properly and protecting it from water or heat is crucial to its lifespan.
There are few material goods that increase in value over time, but a designer bag is definitely one of them. It’s not uncommon for heritage brands like Louis Vuitton and Hermes to resell for much more than their original retail price on the secondary market. Similarly, a classic handbag from Gabriela Hearst can become an investment piece if it’s properly cared for and maintained.
Whether you’re looking for a street-style bag to express your unique style or a modern silhouette that will carry your entire wardrobe, today’s best designer bags are the perfect blend of fashion and function. From party-perfect clutches and sleek crossbody bags to roomy designer tote bags, discover the season’s newest coveted silhouettes for every occasion. designer handbags